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I have been debating on how or if to build this site for 20 years. Finally after seeing too many cases of broken privacy and trust I feel obligated to do something about it.

For years now I have been watching and dreading the loss of privacy on the web. I'm not sure your average web surfer knows how bad it is, or how easy it is to collect information on the people that visit a site. Beyond just web surfing we trust so many companies with our data and we unknowingly give away control for "free" services like email and search.

The advent of "smart" phones and IoT devices in our homes only exacerbates the privacy issues. Who owns your data and who has access. We believe the only protection is for you the consumer to control your data.

AdMulta is designed to invert the paradigm and bring the control back to you the user. Don't continue to let your data be the product that is sold to the real customers of Google, Facebook, Twitter, SnapChat, etc.

"Take Control!!".

In future blog posts I will describe each of these problems in detail and tell you a bit about how we are solving them. For now create a login and look for a beta release of our AdMulta platform. Welcome to a brave new world!

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