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Vision of the Future

The Problem

You and your family are under constant monitoring every time you visit a site on the internet. It seems like every other day there is a data breach or loss of peoples private data. We have become addicted to "free" services but they are not really free as your information and activity is sold and advertisers market to you.

Social media is out of control!

The Solution

AdMulta reverses this paradigm the only way we know how. It puts you in charge of your data and prevents third parties from monitoring your activities. We have developed a platform that allows applications and services to be built and consumed by you the customer with no risk of data loss.

  • Local secure storage of all your data.

  • Backup of important files both in a private cloud but also in a Blockchain.

  • Local processing of data to build extremely rich interactions at low risk.

  • Controlled environment.

As an early adopter not only can you change the world but you can profit from it as well.

Take Control!

What We Need & What You Get

We are looking for 1000 people to give us a $1000. The main reason for a large number of early investors is to create a "network effect". As an example 1000 people invite 100 friends who invite 100 friends and at $5/month we are at $50,000,000/month in gross revenue. This gives us $5,000,000 to put back into the investor pool and another $5,000,000 to pay out to the network (everyone makes money in AdMulta!).

The reason we have a pay as you go platform fee is that we can not generate revenue from advertisers like other platforms. We don't have access to track information and have no idea what people are doing with the platform.

The first 500 people will also get free platform fees for life.

The $1,000,000 will be used to add developers, marketing and local content. If we don't meet our funding goals we will start with what we have and it will just be a slower ramp.

To make the platform fun and compelling anyone can add events/coupons/products/services.​We will be out adding restaurants/bars, events, doctors, hair/nail salons you name it. You can do this too as can anyone in the network. The more revenue someone generates or the more followers participate the more money you can earn.

Our goal is to have a secure, fun, social environment and build the next generation of applications.

The Impact

Imagine walking into a doctors office and your phone buzzes asking you to release temporarily your basic medical information. The doctor does their exam and orders blood work. Your lab appointment gets scheduled you get a reminder to fast for 8 hours. The lab is ready for you with printed labels and you get notified of the procedures and steps. The doctor gets lab results and prescribes a treatment. The pharmacy is notified and any drug conflicts are immediately sorted out. Your information and anything the doctor prescribes along with lab results all reside in your Vault. Change doctors, pharmacies, or have to go to emergency and everything is seamless as you are in charge of your data.

In today's current technology to build this seamless series of interactions your data would need to be forwarded and passed around from one group to the next. Usually sent by email or a piece of paper many things can slip through the cracks. The complexity of getting many separate business to agree to a data standard is nearly impossible.

In AdMulta you own your data and the doctor, lab, pharmacy, hospital or any one else needs your permission to access your data. They do it through a user interface that you have allowed and no one else can access your data. Imagine the possibilities when banking, insurance, medical, everywhere you shop are all integrated. The power of the platform will be incredible but we need security for all of that data.

It will take time to get to this vision of the future but AdMulta is the answer.

AdMulta allows you to "Take Control!"

Thank You,

AdMulta Team

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